Grupo Bancolombia

Corporate Information


Jaime Alberto Villegas

Jaime Alberto Villegas

Jaime Villegas's mission within the organization is to supply corporate administrative, technology, operations, and project support services required by the business units to fulfill the promises made to customers, ensuring the normal development of activities of Grupo Bancolombia in Colombia and abroad.

Jaime was born in 1965. He is an industrial engineer and holds a specialization in finance from Universidad de Los Andes.

As part of his professional career, he has worked in finance, operations, and technology in financial institutions that included Standard Chartered in Colombia, Perú, United Arab Emirates and Singapore.

He was the Vice President of Client Services for Bancolombia since 2012, and since 2016 he serves as the Vice President of Corporate Services.

*Alternate legal representative.
He is not a PEP under Colombian regulation.
He is a member of the Board of Directors of some subordinates.